Having the most attractive and user-friendly website is even more important for e-commerce sites than for other ones. If your business is primarily selling online then your website is your shop front and if it does not look right, if the checkout process is too long or it is not compatible with all the devices that people are using to access it, then you could be missing out on sales.
The IMRG predicts that £104billion will be spent online in the UK alone in 2014 which is very encouraging for online retailers. However, according to UPS Pulse, 88% of online shopping carts were abandoned during 2013. 20% of shoppers stated that they had abandoned their carts because the checkout process was too long and confusing, 21% said the site was loading too slowly and 19% stated that they got distracted and did not return to make the purchase. This highlights the importance of having an e-commerce site that is optimised for user experience.
Firstly, the nicest ecommerce website in the world isn’t going to bring in business if the customers can’t find it so a site has to be designed with search engine optimisation in mind. Next, the products have to be displayed in a way that makes people want to buy them, and the website needs to provide enough information so that visitors feel confident about purchasing them. The process that takes the user through to finalising the purchase then has to be very quick and straightforward. It also has to feel secure so the user feels safe making the payment. All of these aspects will need to be right to maximise the chance of visitors converting into customers.
Our web designers are experienced in creating e-commerce websites that are very simple to navigate, compatible with different devices, look good, are optimised to rank well on search engines and have a fast, efficient check out system. We work closely with our clients to find out exactly what they want and what their potential customers are looking for. That way the designers can balance maintaining the client’s brand image with focusing on the user experience to make them more likely to make a purchase.
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