Digital Marketing Mistakes to Avoid

Digital Marketing Illustration

Digital marketing is clearly the way forward and brands are hopping on some of the latest trends, hoping for an increase in conversions.

However, it’s not enough to just jump onto the latest trends, or have a presence where your audience is. You need to get their attention with content that is highly engaging, relevant and unique! It’s a challenge that we all face and it gets harder with every piece of content you put out!

Digital marketing is booming right now, but you’ll find not every company is successful. We’re going to look at some of the top reasons companies fail in the digital marketing industry.

The lack of reviews/testimonials

5 star reviewThe best type of referral is word-of-mouth. There’s a sense of trust when you hear a success story from someone in person. Unfortunately, we can’t guarantee that everyone will refer your company, so the next best thing is to push your positive reviews online.

The use of reviews and testimonials is essential for your success. It increases conversions, improves click-through rates, and can even encourage foot traffic.

Mentioning your reviews, testimonials or awards/recognitions may feel like bragging but it’s an essential part of a good digital marketing strategy. Customers need reassurance that your brand is trustworthy and legitimate before agreeing to spend money with you.

The lack of a good blog

Content marketing is a must for any business, as it’s important to make sure you have a good content strategy in place and this can often start with blogs.

Writing informative, funny, or engaging blog posts will increase your traffic and your brand’s reputation. Blogs can provide much-needed value to your audience, which often leads to conversions.

Writing blogs that offer helpful and informative content will give you the reputation of a trusted voice in your industry.

When creating a good content strategy, put effort into making sure your branding, your voice and your messages are all consistent. You want to give out a cohesive image across all your marketing.

Avoiding Social Media

social media iconsBy now, you should realise that social media is the way of the present and future, especially when considering marketing. However, many businesses still ignore it. Many have started accounts, but haven’t posted for years, if ever. Some have flatly refused to jump on board at all.

However, you need to remember that people are spending, on average, 2 hours per day on social media. This means that your audience is sitting on this platform and you can’t assume social media is purely for personal use. Social media is a consistent and reliable way to build relationships with customers and potential clients.

Remember, it’s all about keeping the conversation going. So, engage with people, respond to comments and post engaging content.

Including your social content in your content strategy is also a must!

Thinking Everyone is a Customer

Marketing is about quality, not quantity. It’s not worth assuming that everyone is your target audience or a potential customer. It doesn’t matter how many followers you have, but which ones could be converted into a sale. Stop marketing to as many people as possible.

You’re bound to be competing against much bigger brands and likely not reaching who you want to. A much better way is to focus your marketing on a specific audience. Do some research, check your analytics and insights, figure out who you should be marketing to and then market directly to them. You’ll get a much higher return on qualified leads.

Ignoring the Competition

stick men on podium signifying compititionCompetition research is an important step when building any marketing strategy. Unfortunately, ignoring your competition is a common mistake that many businesses make.

Not only does it help to figure out what other companies are doing, but also to figure out how you can do better than them. They’re hitting your target audience too, so you need to stand out!

Figure out what makes your brand shine and make it a large part of your marketing.

Not Having a Proper Digital Strategy

We know that change can be hard, but you can no longer rely on just traditional marketing methods to increase your revenue and clients.

While a lot of companies have invested time in creating a digital strategy, many have only a basic strategy, or they’ve started and haven’t followed through with it.

There are many social media accounts created by companies, that have yet to post or haven’t posted for a while and then stopped. Likewise, with websites, there are so many that need updating and optimising.

Learn how to create a marketing plan and ensure you stick with it. Part of this should be defining your audience, setting your objectives and determining how to reach these objectives.


Every company will make mistakes, it’s part of the journey of running a business, it’s how you deal with those mistakes that matter. If you’ve made the above mistakes, it’s never too late to get back on track!

If you need help creating a great digital marketing strategy, get in touch with us today!

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