8 types of video content you need to use for your business 

Video content illustration

Video is king! Video content is the moment engaging type of content that online users consume. For example, a video-based review will get 20% more attention and reaches 4 times as many people as a written version of the same review.

And nothing is changing any time soon because by the end of 2022, video content will account for more than 85% of all consumer internet traffic. Video content is extremely powerful. 

However, there are many different types of video content that you and your business can use online. New and innovative styles of video content are popping up all the time and 2022 could see even more rise from the digital space. But we digress, let’s take a look at the 10 best types of video content your business should be using in 2022!

  • Live Video

If video content is king then live video content is god! It is the most effective way to reach an audience through video and the statistics back it up. MediaCulture research reveals that at least 64% of people have reported watching a live online video over the past year. That total is conservative with other studies pegging the percentage closer to 80-85%. 

MediaCulture’s research continues and reveals that 82% of their surveyed audience prefers live video from a brand as opposed to simple text-based social posts. All in all, live video content allows a brand to connect with an audience on a personal and authentic level. This connection humanises your brand and creates communities.

What sort of live video content can you produce? You can show behind-the-scenes live events, run online courses, run AMAs/Q&As or just general discussions surrounding a newsflash relevant to your brand or industry. 

  • Educational Webinars

Webinars help build awareness for your brand, find consumers, nurture relationships and foster communities. Webinars are controlled environments that allow you to speak directly to the audience without fear of miscommunication or censoring.  

This type of video content can take time to prepare for and plan for but it can also be repurposed very easily. For example, webinars can be turned into blog posts, social media video clips and even reposted later as a podcast. 

  • How-To Videos

The internet was initially created as a digital library; a place for resources and learning tools. How-to videos are quintessential video content and are always primed for high engagement and interaction. After all, we love to learn new things. 

If your brand/service can position itself as the educator, you can build trust, confidence and loyalty. And the best thing about How-To Videos is that it’s fast, easy and more fun to digest than reading a blog post.  In fact, educational or explainer videos can increase conversion by up to 20% or more. These videos are also very SEO-friendly and help you rank highly in search results. 

  • Brand-focused Videos

The internet is loud and brimming with companies trying to garner attention and engagement. In order for you to stand out, you need to differentiate your content and let viewers know what the company is really like. This is because people are always more likely to interact with and buy from companies and brands that exhibit the same values that you hold sacred. 

Use brand-focused videos to show your brand’s values, culture and everyday operations thus forming an emotional connection with followers. Emotional content like this is 3 times as likely to be shared by word-of-mouth and sharing than regular content.

But what exactly is branded video content? This can be anything from behind the scenes of the offices, interviews with your staff, fun company event highlights like birthdays and even some bloopers. Humanise yourself and watch more potential consumers connect with you instantly. 

  • Personalised Videos

Personalisation is going to be a major facet of content creation and marketing in general in 2022 but personalised video content can take the cake. Did you know that only 12% of businesses invest in one-to-one personalised content? If you aren’t already doing personalised content, it could very well be what makes you stand out!

Imagine you are a consumer and a brand that you haven’t even bought from, sends you a personalised video. How do you imagine that consumer will feel? They will feel seen, understood and connected with. Consumers are far more likely to stick with brands that know and understand the individual consumer. Be that brand!

How can you do this? It can be as recording short video responses to questions or comments you get on social media. Or send a nice thank you video after purchase, especially if you are a smaller organisation. 

  • Video Email

If you already include email marketing as part of your digital marketing funnel, it would make even more sense to include video content for added engagement and brand connection. A consumer could very easily skim emails and not engage but seeing an embedded video means you are more likely to click and engage. In fact, including video in email content leads to a 200 to 300% increase in click-through rate (CTR).

  • Testimonials

Consumer reviews are the best ways to socially prove to potential customers that your product or service is good enough for them. You need to reach out to your most dedicated and beloved customers and ask them to record a short video to help you. Keep it short, impactful and straight-forward – try not to go longer than 30 seconds for said testimonial videos. 

These testimonial videos are fantastic because they can be used in a variety of places. For example, you can post them on your website in a Testimonial section or even on social media to add some variety to your social feed. 

  • Demo Videos/Unboxings

Before you buy any product, what do you do? For 90% of users, the answer is to watch a product video in order to help them make an informed purchasing decision. Consumers want to know that they are buying before they buy it and demo videos/unboxings are the best way to fulfil this need.

Video descriptions may be great and can sell a product adequately to a potential customer, however a video demonstration or unboxing is 4 times more likely to convince a consumer to buy a product. Make sure your video content overtly shows how your product works or what your service offers down to a tee. 


Video is still king and it will continue to reign over the digital domain with extreme prejudice. Video content can help you build a following and a community in order to better turn online conversations into conversions.

The type of video content to use is heavily dependent on your business, its goals and its target audience. What works for one product or brand may not work for another, so make sure you analyse best practice for your industry before diving into video content creation. 

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