5 website redesign project goals

Notes, Goals, Yellow Pen

More often than not, companies embarking on a redesign of a new website start with all the good intentions but not always the right goals. This means that the end result can be more aesthetically pleasing but often fails to meet key business requirements. So we have compiled a list to help you focus efforts to get the maximum out of a sparkling new website.

1) Improve conversion rate

The magic number that defines the relationship between the total number of visitors and a total number of enquiries/sales is the most significant business metric a website has. If your main goal is to build an email database then the conversion rate will reflect total visitors vs. total subscribers. Either way, raising this number will be the single action that has the maximum impact on your bottom line. This is the only way to extract more revenue from visitors without spending more on marketing.

2) Reduce bounce rate

You only have 3-4 seconds to convince a website visitor that they have landed in the right website for what they need. Design of websites is critical to ensure that all users, however busy they are, can find what they want as fast as they need to. Failing to do so, will lead to the majority of visitors leaving your website, thus diminishing potential earnings. To make this happen you need a team that understands usability thoroughly.

3) Increase time spent on website

Whilst not the most important metric, the average time spent on a website is an indicator of good or bad content. Most websites suffer from missing content, which is critical to convince users to interact with them. If the average time spent on your website is below the industry norm, you are in need of a professional content review.

4) Increase the number of pages viewed per visit

Poorly constructed websites stop seamless navigation and force users to abandon their visit early on. If your statistics are below your industry average a carefully designed structure will help you to keep more people, longer on the website, ultimately leading them to enquire or purchase.

5) Collect more data, more often

Data collection for marketing purposes is increasingly important. Too many websites are not collecting enough data such as preferences or email addresses from users. Collection of such data means that lost opportunities have a chance of turning into conversions/enquiries/sales at a later stage. Measure your current data collection rate to compare how this changed when you re-launch.

Social Media Ltd has been helping clients construct profitable websites for over 10 years in a number of sectors. Check out our work in our online portfolio.

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